The Admissions team looks forward to helping you work through each step of the admissions process here at T.C. Harris School & Academy!

Our Admissions Process
Our admissions team conducts an assessment for each referral and inquiry for placement at T.C. Harris School & Academy. We collect documentation, facilitate tours, conduct observations of potential students, and meet with teachers, providers, and other professionals to gather as much information as possible to make an informed decision.
Students must have a documented developmental or intellectual disability to be considered appropriate for placement.
When our assessment is complete, we meet weekly with TCH leadership and go over each potential student to discuss and determine if a referral is appropriate for our program. Our team will work then with the family and referral/funding source to complete all admission paperwork, consents, authorizations, schedule several planning meetings, and work through what Admission Day will look like.
Developmental Summary & Social History
Current DSM-V Diagnosis
Current level of functioning (strengths, talents, challenging behaviors, etc.)
Previous treatment/placement history (staffing reports, discharge summary, treatment
plans, psychological/psychiatric evaluations, progress reports, etc.)
Supporting documentation (Justification for RTC placement)
Social history (describing family structure and relationships) *
Custody status
Medical Information
Serious illness or chronic condition information
Past serious illnesses, infectious diseases, serious injuries and hospitalizations
Results of psychological, psychiatric and neurological evaluations, if applicable
(including intellectual and projective testing, EEG or EKG) *
Medication list including supplements and over-the counter medications.
Copies of Medicaid and/or Insurance Cards (please send us copies of these as soon as possible)
Educational Records
Student’s eligibility for special education placement-Reevaluation/Initial Evaluation
Student’s Current IEP (Individualized Education Program)
Education Evaluations & Test Scores (if any)
To make an official referral, please contact us.